Hawaiʻi State Association of Parliamentarians
                                                   ʻAhahui Loea Lula Hoʻomalu o Hawaiʻi

                                                    A Constituent Division of the
                                                NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF PARLIAMENTARIANS®


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Nā Lula Hālāwai


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Hawaiian Gavel
Lā‘au Kīkē

Online Parliamentary Procedure Class

September 2023

6 sessions; 1 Continuing Education Unit.
This is an online, leadership program designed for officers and staff, particularly chairpersons and secretaries of organizations that use the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised. Learn how to properly and lawfully conduct and record business in formal meetings. Topics to include: fundamental principles, quorum, agenda, order of business, handling and precedence of motions, elections & voting, committee reports, minutes and the electronic (ZOOM, etc.) special rules for meetings, small boards and committees. Limited enrollment.

Instructor: Dr. Wm. Puette, Professional Registered Parliamentarian (NAP), Certified Parliamentarian (AIP).

This course will be taught entirely online.
After enrollment, prior to the first class, students will be emailed instructions for logging on to this University of Hawai‘i - West O‘ahu/CLEAR online class.

Required Class Text: Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised (12th ed.).

Classes will be conducted online using Zoom

Hardware Requirements: reliable, high-speed internet connection; and speaker & microphone or audio/mic ear-buds or headset.

   ONLINE only
   6:00 to 8:00 p.m.
(Hawai‘i time)
   Tuesdays and Thursdays
   September 12, 14, 19, 21, 26, and 28
   Course Fee: $60.00 (Hawai‘i resident);
                        $120.00 (out-of-state/non-resident of Hawai‘i )

CLEAR CEU Classes at University of Hawaiʻi - West Oʻahu

Register in advance by using this enrollment form:

[UHWO CLEAR Enrollment Form]

If you have not received login information from the instructor by September 5, 2023, email Dr. Puette at puette@hawaii.edu

If the class is not sufficiently enrolled one week prior to commencement, it will be canceled, and no partial enrollments accepted; no refund after September 5, 2023.

     6:00 to 8:00 p.m., on the following Tuesdays and Thursdays ONLINE only
 Date:             Class content
  Sep. 12    Fundamental Principles, Quorum, & Order of Business
  Sep. 14    Handling a Main Motion; and Voting
  Sep. 19    Secondary Ranking Motions: Subsidiary & Privileged
  Sep. 21    Incidental & Bringback Motions
  Sep. 26    Content & Approval of Minutes
  Sep. 28    Special Rules for Electronic Meetings, Small Boards & Committees

Hawaiʻi State Association of Parliamentarians
Rachel Glanstein PRP, President
info@hsap.org       P.O. Box 10731, Honolulu, HI 96816