Want to learn about Parliamentary Procedure in a friendly, supportive environment?
Want to be more effective in the group or organization you belong to?
Or maybe you even want to be a Parliamentarian? E komo mai!
Next Regular Meeting
Monday, April 7, 2025, 6:00 PM
via ZOOM at
Meeting ID : 823 8919 5987
Passcode: AOP
We especially invite those who wish to know more about Parliamentary Law applications.
We usually meet on the first Monday of the month (except in September) between 6:00 and 7:00 pm.
We have been meeting online.
Please contact Unit Secretary Junior Moananu if you are interested.
Many people who come to the meetings come to study for the NAP membership quiz. See
"How to become a member of the State & National Association of Parliamentarians"
There is no fee to attend our Aloha-‘Ohana Unit meetings.
*The Aloha-‘Ohana Parliamentary Unit is completely non-sectarian. We are not sponsored by or affiliated with any religious or political organization.